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Die Suche im Filmposter-Bestand des Archivs ergab 11 Treffer.

Filmtitel Land Anmerkung
Captain America - The Return of the First Avenger (2014)Vorschaubild
Captain America - The Return of the First Avenger (2014)
490x700 Punkte - 64 kByte
Int Teaser
Captain America - The Return of the First Avenger (2014)Vorschaubild
Captain America - The Return of the First Avenger (2014)
490x700 Punkte - 93 kByte
D Teaser
Captain America - The Return of the First Avenger (2014)Vorschaubild
Captain America - The Return of the First Avenger (2014)
495x700 Punkte - 100 kByte
Captain America - The Return of the First Avenger (2014)Vorschaubild
Captain America - The Return of the First Avenger (2014)
489x700 Punkte - 101 kByte
D Charakterplakat; Motiv: Black Widow; Figur mit Photoshop bearbeitet
Captain America - The Return of the First Avenger (2014)Vorschaubild
Captain America - The Return of the First Avenger (2014)
489x700 Punkte - 102 kByte
D Charakterplakat; Motiv: Nick Fury (Samuel L. Jackson)
Captain America - The Return of the First Avenger (2014)Vorschaubild
Captain America - The Return of the First Avenger (2014)
489x700 Punkte - 81 kByte
D Charakterplakat; Motiv: Steve Rogers / Captain America (Chris Evans)
Captain America - The Return of the First Avenger (2014)Vorschaubild
Captain America - The Return of the First Avenger (2014)
489x700 Punkte - 71 kByte
D Charakterplakat; Motiv: Alexander Pierce (Robert Redford)
Captain America - The Return of the First Avenger (2014)Vorschaubild
Captain America - The Return of the First Avenger (2014)
489x700 Punkte - 107 kByte
D Charakterplakat; Motiv: Sam Wilson / Falcon (Anthony Mackie)
Captain America - The Return of the First Avenger (2014)Vorschaubild
Captain America - The Return of the First Avenger (2014)
489x700 Punkte - 96 kByte
D Charakterplakat; Motiv: Captain America (Chris Evans)
Captain America - The Return of the First Avenger (2014)Vorschaubild
Captain America - The Return of the First Avenger (2014)
495x700 Punkte - 118 kByte
D Charakterplakat; Motiv: Kate / Agent 13 (Emily VanCamp)
Captain America - The Return of the First Avenger (2014)Vorschaubild
Captain America - The Return of the First Avenger (2014)
493x700 Punkte - 103 kByte
D Teaser

Captain America - The Return of the First Avenger (2014)
Plakat aus: International
490x700 Pixel - 64 kByte
Filmplakat Captain America - The Return of the First Avenger
Captain America - The Return of the First Avenger (2014)
Plakat aus: Deutschland
490x700 Pixel - 93 kByte
Filmplakat Captain America - The Return of the First Avenger
Captain America - The Return of the First Avenger (2014)
Plakat aus: Deutschland

495x700 Pixel - 100 kByte
Filmplakat Captain America - The Return of the First Avenger
Captain America - The Return of the First Avenger (2014)
Plakat aus: Deutschland
Charakterplakat; Motiv: Black Widow; Figur mit Photoshop bearbeitet
489x700 Pixel - 101 kByte
Filmplakat Captain America - The Return of the First Avenger
Captain America - The Return of the First Avenger (2014)
Plakat aus: Deutschland
Charakterplakat; Motiv: Nick Fury (Samuel L. Jackson)
489x700 Pixel - 102 kByte
Filmplakat Captain America - The Return of the First Avenger
Captain America - The Return of the First Avenger (2014)
Plakat aus: Deutschland
Charakterplakat; Motiv: Steve Rogers / Captain America (Chris Evans)
489x700 Pixel - 81 kByte
Filmplakat Captain America - The Return of the First Avenger
Captain America - The Return of the First Avenger (2014)
Plakat aus: Deutschland
Charakterplakat; Motiv: Alexander Pierce (Robert Redford)
489x700 Pixel - 71 kByte
Filmplakat Captain America - The Return of the First Avenger
Captain America - The Return of the First Avenger (2014)
Plakat aus: Deutschland
Charakterplakat; Motiv: Sam Wilson / Falcon (Anthony Mackie)
489x700 Pixel - 107 kByte
Filmplakat Captain America - The Return of the First Avenger
Captain America - The Return of the First Avenger (2014)
Plakat aus: Deutschland
Charakterplakat; Motiv: Captain America (Chris Evans)
489x700 Pixel - 96 kByte
Filmplakat Captain America - The Return of the First Avenger
Captain America - The Return of the First Avenger (2014)
Plakat aus: Deutschland
Charakterplakat; Motiv: Kate / Agent 13 (Emily VanCamp)
495x700 Pixel - 118 kByte
Filmplakat Captain America - The Return of the First Avenger
Captain America - The Return of the First Avenger (2014)
Plakat aus: Deutschland
493x700 Pixel - 103 kByte
Filmplakat Captain America - The Return of the First Avenger